As a Corporate Trustee, you’re exposed to plan liability you may not be aware of.
You can either take sole fiduciary responsibility for your plan, share the responsibility with an outside vendor, or pass liability on to Lineweaver Wealth Advisors to ensure you have full 3(38) protection. You should reserve your trust for an advisor like LWA, who is willing to put their fiduciary responsibility explicitly in writing.
An ERISA 3(38) fiduciary is appointed by the Plan Sponsor to manage the investment process of the retirement plan. They become responsible for the selection, monitoring, and replacement of investment options. They will also create and implement Investment Policy Statements (IPS), and select investment options consistent with ERISA section 404(c).
We work closely with plan sponsors on all aspects of their retirement plans, including fiduciary obligations. Our services include vendor searches, investment selection and monitoring, fee benchmarking and negotiation, target-date fund selection and review, stable value fund analysis, custom risk-based portfolios, and plan compliance assistance.
Our trusted, strategic, and thorough approach is focused on reducing risk, improving participant outcomes, optimizing investment options, providing strategic plan design considerations, and helping you focus on efficiencies in terms of plan administration. We understand your needs as well as your preferences, and will proactively collaborate with you every step of the way to help achieve your financial goals.