
2024 Second Half Outlook

News headlines have been volatile this year with many geopolitical issues, economic worries, and, most recently, President Biden exiting his re-election campaign.  Nevertheless, the stock market has done well and continued to “climb the wall of worry.”  This reality serves as a good reminder that ignoring most news headlines and political noise is typically the best investment strategy.

Since the start of the year, we have maintained a positive outlook and positioning, especially with U.S. large-cap stocks. That is because of our view that AI-related investments, onshoring, and cooling inflation will benefit earnings for these types of companies the most. 

Despite some choppiness, the data tells us this scenario is playing out as expected. With manufacturing surveys softening and business confidence muted, markets may begin to over-discount a sharper slowdown. Nevertheless, we continue to believe that the pace of economic growth is moderating at a goldilocks pace, and inflation is cooling sufficiently to allow the Federal Reserve (Fed) to begin easing before the end of the year.  We expect U.S. growth to be close to trend at about 2.0% by the fourth quarter and inflation to continue cooling toward the Fed’s 2% target by mid-2025.  This should be a good environment to support our view on equities overall and offer a positive environment for bonds.

Outside the U.S., the European economy is expanding once again, activity in China is stabilizing, and the global goods cycle is showing more signs of life. As U.S. growth moderates while other regions improve, global growth looks set to be well-supported and more broadly based. This should continue to help U.S. large-cap earnings as well.

There are two key risks to our core view: stickier inflation or an excessive slowdown in activity. Despite the modest uptick in inflation early in 1Q24, recent measures show a cooler trend, and resets in one-off items, such as auto insurance, have likely run their course. On the activity front, economic growth has cooled at a nice pace and remains underpinned by resilient labor markets.  For the economy to rebalance and inflation to cool further, a moderation in growth is necessary but we do not think this means recession. Still, we are alert to the risk that slowing data gets disproportionately extrapolated. Such an event could offer attractive entry points to stocks; thus, we maintain some capacity to add on dips and extend our overweight positioning.

Equities came through the first quarter earnings season smoothly. Despite cautious forward guidance, earnings themselves were strong enough to drive upgrades to forecasts. Our base case of trend-like nominal growth should support earnings growth north of 10% this year, which should support stocks overall.

Our economic cycle indicators for the U.S. economy are evenly split between mid- and late-cycle. Historically, such phases are associated with positive returns for U.S. stocks. We see limited potential for valuation expansion but feel confident that earnings growth can drive returns as mentioned. We view large-cap tech earnings as resilient and see scope for an upside in cyclical earnings as the goods cycle evolves and inventories are restocked. 

Regionally, we continue to favor the U.S. over international. Within sectors, we favor communication services, tech, industrials, financials, and energy, with staples and materials being our least preferred.

Slower but positive nominal growth also provides a good environment for credit within fixed income, and we have a positive tilt to both U.S. high yield (HY) and investment grade (IG) credit across our portfolios. We are mindful of refinancing needs that will build over the next 18 months. However, evidence from the primary market suggests robust demand, and key credit metrics such as leverage and coverage ratios remain broadly healthy. From the borrowers’ side, refinancings are hardly a surprise and can be well managed in a period of decent growth. 

We expect the Fed to begin easing rates before the end of the year, most likely starting with a 0.25% cut in September and totaling around 0.75-1% by mid-2025. Given this, we see only a limited risk of recession, thereby supporting equities and offering a potentially compelling environment for bonds overall.  

John Meynard Keynes once quipped, “When the facts change, I change my mind.”  For now, the facts have not changed enough with economic and corporate data for us to change our minds in favoring stocks over bonds, U.S. over international, large-cap over small-cap, growth over value.  As facts around Fed policy, earnings, and the economy continue to evolve, we may change our minds and change our positioning.  But for now, we maintain our positive equity positioning moving into the back half of the year while also positioning to capitalize on positive bond market performance if the Fed cuts interest rates.

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Ask These Four Questions When Planning Your Legacy

Posted By Lineweaver Financial Group
October 17, 2024 Category: Legacy Planning, Inheritance, Beneficiary, Wealth Transfer

While many people equate legacy planning with estate planning, they are not the same. Estate planning is a component, but legacy planning involves more than simply deciding who inherits your assets—it's about ensuring your wealth is passed down efficiently and according to your wishes. To help you get started, here are four essential questions to ask when preparing your finances to pass to your loved ones. 1. Is Your Beneficiary Information Up-to-Date? Every financial account you own—from retirement accounts to life insurance policies—requires a beneficiary designation. This can include primary and secondary beneficiaries, and you may even have multiple beneficiaries per account. It’s vital to review this information annually to ensure its accurate and reflects your current wishes. Ask yourself: Have there been any life changes, such as a marriage, divorce, or birth, that might affect your choices? Is the contact information, including addresses and phone numbers, up to date? It’s also wise to have a conversation with your beneficiaries so they understand what to expect. Additionally, consider assigning a Financial Power of Attorney for each of your accounts, and discuss the responsibility with that individual to make the process as seamless as possible in the event of your passing. 2. Are Your Beneficiaries Aligned with Your Wealth Transfer Strategy? Our beneficiaries are often family members—children, grandchildren, ni

Market Commentary

Posted By Lineweaver Financial Group
October 03, 2024 Category: General, Stock, Finance, Market Commentary

We have been highly constructive on U.S. large-cap stocks in our investment strategies since October 2023. We remain optimistic generally into 2025, but as we enter fall, we think it is prudent to be slightly more cautious as some facts have changed over the last several weeks. First, our analysis of earnings surprises and estimate revisions has detected some cooling trends, suggesting potential moderation of the earnings advantages that catalyzed much of the rally this year so far. Our research also reveals the autumn period in October through mid-November in presidential election years has tended to be more volatile than usual, with increased vulnerability to downside moves. The elevated uncertainty surrounding the upcoming election adds additional complexity. Given the sharp divide in the parties’ expected policy and the expectations of a close race, many real economy actors are delaying major capital allocations and business-defining bets to after election night. In this state of uncertainty, any lack of market liquidity has the potential to trigger volatility. This may be compounded if the final outcome of the election is delayed, as we saw in 2020. Finally, recent changes in market temperament have also caught our attention and give us pause. Relatively tranquil gains in large-cap stocks for most of the year have been disrupted recently with larger single-day selloffs, rotations, and V-shaped snapbacks, which may be signs of a market more susceptible to headlin

This strategy could help your retirement portfolio

Posted By Lineweaver Financial Group
September 05, 2024 Category: Strategy, Finance, Retirement Plan

When you retire, it's normal to wonder if you'll have enough money to cover all your needs. This can be especially worrying when you're advised to focus on long-term investments to make sure you have enough money for the rest of your life. Don't worry, though - there are several strategies you can use, like the "Three Bucket Strategy," to help with this. With this strategy, you take your retirement portfolio and divide it into three buckets. The first is used to fund day-to-day expenses. The third bucket funds longevity. And the middle is the go-between or transfer place to refill bucket number one as it is depleted. Now, let’s break it down further and take a look at bucket one. In there, you’ll find income-producing assets that could include CDs, money market funds, US Treasuries, pensions, fixed annuity, and Social Security funds – all things that will not decrease in value and are accessible when needed. Basically, this bucket is meant to provide money to live. If you place an amount that will cover about two years of expenses in this bucket, you won’t have to be concerned if the economy or investment markets take a dip. But what if you want to plan for longevity? That’s where bucket three comes in. In this bucket, you will find stocks, high-yield bonds, real estate, and other higher-return assets. All of these are long-term investments geared toward helping you keep from running out of money as the years pass. Co

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Crain's Cleveland Business is a print and online newspaper delivering local business news and information to Cleveland's business executives, which is published by Crain Communications Inc. The Crain's 2024 list may employ different methodology than described above for similar designations granted in other years. No clients were consulted and no fees were paid to determine the winners; the award is based on assets under management. Neither the participating candidates nor their employees pay a fee in exchange for inclusion on Crain's 2024 List. However, recipients may pay a fee to Crain, an affiliate, or an unaffiliated third party in exchange for plaques or article reprints commemorating the designation. The publication should not be construed by a client or prospective client as a guarantee that they will experience a certain level of results if the recipient is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services; and should not be construed as a current or past endorsement of the recipient by any of its clients. Lineweaver Wealth Advisors was ranked in the Top 25 of Crain’s of Cleveland’s annual list of Registered Investment Advisors. The award is based on assets under management in the years 2024. In 2023, Lineweaver Wealth Advisors was ranked in the Top 15 of Crain’s of Cleveland’s annual list of Registered Investment Advisors. The award is based on assets under management in the years 2023. In 2021 and 2022, Lineweaver Wealth Advisors was ranked in the Top 20 of Crain’s of Cleveland’s annual list of Registered Investment Advisors. The award is based on assets under management in the years 2021 and 2022 respectively.
Nominees in the Top 100 Magazine selections are not required to pay a fee for consideration. Individuals appearing in half and full page editorials, have paid a fee for additional exposure. Candidates for consideration are selected utilizing proprietary software. Top 100 Magazine analyzes the results before making their final selections. Financial Professionals and/or wealth managers must also met the following criteria; 1. Be registered with the SEC as a registered investment advisor or a registered investment advisor representative; 2. Have no more than 1 filed complaint with a regulatory agency; 3.Never been convicted of a felony. Third-party rankings and recognitions are no guarantee of future investment success and do not ensure that a client or prospective client will experience a higher level of performance or results. These ratings should not be construed as an endorsement of the Financial Professional by any client nor are they representative of any one client's evaluation. Participants for the Top 100 in Finance appearance were reviewed in 2022, and recognized in March of 2023. Lineweaver Financial Group appeared in Money magazine in 2015, Fortune Magazine in 2016, WTAM 1100 in 2018, Forbes in 2020, Channel 5 in 2020, and Top 100 in Finance in 2023.

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