5 Financial Resolutions to Make in the New Year Most major new years resolutions are pretty common, and often many of them are financial. 1. First things frst--the base of any good financial plan is insurance. You want to make sure all your insurance policies are in proper order. This includes life insurance, disability insurance, long-term care insurance (if you are retired), making sure your property and casualty limits are appropriate, and even an umbrella policy – especially if you have kids or young drivers in the house. 2. The second is to pay yourself first. We generally recommend saving 15-20% of your gross income. First make sure some of this goes into an emergency reserve for you, which is usually 3-6 months of your after-tax income. Then try and maximize your pre-tax or ROTH contributions to get money tax deferred or tax free for retirement. 3. Number three is to ask yourself - are your financial goals on track? This can range from funding your kids’ education to buying that vacation home, or planning for retirement. Tracking and regularly revisiting your financial goals is important, as well as understanding and using the best strategies available to realize them. 4. The fourth resolution is about tax planning. Many people fnd they’re being penny-wise and pound-foolish; saving small amounts during the year, and then getting hit with huge capital gains distributions or other unnecessary taxes. Now is the time to look at your year-end statemen